My Perfect Christmas Cake Recipe (2024)

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delectable gastronomy

December 13, 2008November 26, 2013 ~ sweetrosie

This recipe is so easy and makes a large, delicious, moist Christmas cake – perfect for sharing with family or when guests come over.

This is a simple recipe, the most time consuming parts are soaking the fruits and baking the cake.
Even these parts can be reflective exercises in kitchen zen.
The rest, the actual mixing of the cake, is super easy.
Trust me! Making a Christmas cake is fun, satisfying and oh so worth it!

A homemade Christmas cake also makes a heartfelt, loving gift.
I make quite a few smaller cakes as gifts every year so always make lots of my luscious soaked fruit mixture.
“Gift wrap” your cakes in a tea towel that suits the recipient: festive, shabby, vintage. There are so many available, often in economical multi packs.

I usually soak the dried fruits in a mixture of port and brandy for a week or so but you can get away with an overnight soak.
This year I have made a very special spiced brandy to add to my cake. You can find the recipe HERE

If you prefer a rich fruit cake made without alcohol, you can soak your fruit in cold tea or fruit juice; prune, cranberry and/or orange work well or why not try my recipe for boiled fruit cake? You can find the recipe HERE and I guarantee you’ll be pleased with the results.

First some tips

  • Soak the fruits in your choice of alcohol or tea/juice.
    Soaking the dried fruits ensure a moist, rich, delicious cake. Your soaking liquid will infuse flavour right into each and every piece of fruit.
    I usually use about 2 cups of alcohol in total, and this year will use my spiced brandy as well as some port.
    You might choose rum, muscat, spiced rum, Cointreau, Grand marnier, Lochan Ora. Whatever your tastes and budget run to. My Perfect Christmas Cake Recipe (5)
  • Before you make your cake, spend a little time preparing your cake tin. This cake needs to cook for a long time at a low temperature. Preparing the tin will work with this and prevent the cake from burning and/or drying out during the long cooking time.

    Line a 21cm square tin with 3 layers of baking paper. I usually give the tin and each layer a little spray with the cooking spray so it sticks and doesn’t slide about. My Perfect Christmas Cake Recipe (6)

    Now put a double thickness collar of brown (craft/wrapping) paper around the outside of the tin. I staple it together but you can use string.
    The brown paper doesn’t need to go on the base of the tin, just on the sides.
    I just cut a long strip from the roll and folded it in half to make my double thickness. My Perfect Christmas Cake Recipe (7)

    Some other tips that I have found useful over the years.

  • Use butter for this recipe: margarine just won’t cut it this time.
  • Brown sugar, preferably dark brown sugar, adds colour and flavour, but white can be used.
  • Cocoa, just a bit, adds colour and flavour.
  • Buy fresh spices for your lovely cake.
    Ground spices lose most of their flavour within 3-6 months, those old bottle at the back of the cupboard will just taste a bit “dusty” and will lack the zing of fresh spice.
    Nutmeg is easy to buy as the whole “nut” and grind on the fine side of the grater as you need it – you won’t believe the difference!

This is the recipe for Your Perfect Christmas Cake

  • 1kg mixed dried fruit of your choice. I used sultanas, currants, raisins, figs, dates,dried apricots,prunes, glace cherries.
    You could add some glace fruit if you like, and mixed peel if you like it (I don’t)
    I guess sultanas makes up about a quarter of the mix with the rest making up the weight.
  • 150g chopped and toasted nuts. I used almonds (skins left on) and macadamia nuts.
    You might choose walnuts, pecan, hazelnuts, brazil nuts. Peanuts don’t work for this cake.
  • 250g butter
  • 250g dark brown sugar
  • 4 large eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of treacle (preferred) or golden syrup
  • 2 tablespoons of good quality cocoa.
    Do not use drinking chocolate mix.
    You want a rich, quality cocoa powder. Cadbury is fine.
  • 150g self-raising flour
  • 150g plain flour
  • the finelygrated rind of 1 orange
  • 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoons of freshly grated nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Pre-heat your oven to 150C / 250F – oven temps vary from oven to oven it seems.
Mine is not fan -forced and it’s also pretty old… 10 degrees either side of what I’ve recommended may be required.
This cake down require a low temp though so err on the side of caution.

  1. Using a stand mixer, (I used my Kenwood Chef with the K beater)cream the butter and sugar, along with the orange rind until it changes colour and becomes pale and fluffy
  2. Scrape down the bowl and add the eggs one at a time.
    Don’t worry if the mixture goes a bit curdled looking – doesn’t matter, but do scrape down the bowl from time to time.
  3. Now add the soakedfruit, the treacle/golden syrupand the nuts and gently mix it all together on low speed.
  4. Sift the two flours together, along with the cocoa,spices and salt and fold them into the mix.
    I just did this in the mixer on very low speed, some people prefer to do it by hand. My Perfect Christmas Cake Recipe (8)
  5. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin.
    Wet your hands and use them to smooth the top of the cake. It works perfectly every time.
  6. Here’s the fun bit!Squat on the floor and (carefully) drop the tin from a height of about12 inchesonto the ground.
    It knocks out the air bubbles in the mix so there are no big holes in your cake. Of course, you can do this on the bench but it makes all my bench things and dishes move about and shake so I go to the floor
  7. To get the cake ready for the oven there is just one more step to complete.
    Get a piece of baking paper to fit the top of the cake and cut a hole in the middle about the size of a rice cracker or very small cookie.

    Put this over the cake mix for added protection.
    It doesn’t matter if it sits on top of the actual cake mix. My Perfect Christmas Cake Recipe (9)

  8. Put into your pre-heated oven and bake for approximately 3 hours.
    Check after 2 1/2 hours to see how it’s going.
    You can use a skewer or satay stick to test if it’s done. Poke the stick into the middle of the cake and if it comes out without wet mix on it it’s done.
    My Perfect Christmas Cake Recipe (10)
  9. Cool the cake in the tin. Cover with a clean teatowel to trap in the steam and keep the cake>
  10. Turn out of the tin when cool.
    Store by securelywrapping in baking paper and then foil
  11. This beautiful cake keeps for ages! We are usually still enjoying our cake in February
  12. You can “feed” your cake with alcohol if you fancy- just poke little holes in it with a toothpick and brush over your choice of alcohol.

    Some people would make their cake in October and do this every week before Christmas!
    Of course, if you use alcohol after the cake is cooked, the cake is no longer child friendly.

    Most dedicated Christmas cooks would make their cakes in October or November so their cakes have time to develop their rich, complex flavour.
    Like a fine wine, this cake improves with age.

    As usual I’m late…
    Never mind – this will still be a beautiful, scrumptious cake.
    The sweetrosie Christmas cake tradition lives on! blockquote>

    Till next time,
    sweetrosie x

  1. Hey happygrub!! You must have been writing this while I was uploding the photos! They do like nice if I say so myself *blush* I’ve made 3 – one with glace ginger for my mum and 2 for here – I had enough soaked fruit – couldn’t waste it!!
    Doing?? Where to start? Although your life is much more hectic than mine! Uni , new job, family, you know how it is 🙂
    BTW – your photos are more stunning than – people need to visit your blog and look at that gorgeous breakfast set.
    Stay well dear xx


  2. Hi there, dear sweetrosie! 😀

    Am I glad you came out with a baked version of the traditional Christmas Fruit Cake…somehow, this is more “Christmassy” for me. Well, I’m set to make this for my Christmas Eve Dinner! 😉

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe – those pictures and detailed instructions help a lot.

    Have a smooth and blessed week tomorrow!

    Lots of love and hugs,

    choesf 😀


  3. Oh that fruit cake does look perfect! I can’t wait to see all that you’ve planned on the menu for Christmas 🙂


  4. my dear choesf – I wish you happiness as you bake your special Christmas cake. I hope you have fun making it. Please let me know how it turns out for you.
    with love & a big hug xxxx

    dear ovenhaven! always so lovely to hear such compliments from you, after all you are the baking maestro! I’ll have to do a post on what we had for Christmas…my sister was over from the UK so we got everyone together for an early feast 🙂 I’ve got photos so I’ll post soon. xxx


  5. Reblogged this on sweetrosie and commented:

    It’s time to start thinkimg Christmas cake again! A cake like My Perfect Christmas Cake will be just devine if made now, carefully wrapped and stored and served at Christmas. A few months to mature (and “feed” with brandy or rum if you wish) and I guarantee you will be serving your family and friends the ultimate moist, luxurious Christmas cake.
    Don’t scimp on the ingredients – it’s only once a year 🙂 and do your best to give your fruits a nice soaking before you make the cake.
    Love to hear your comments and always delighted to answer your queries. Have fun!


  6. Hi sweetrosie,
    Just wanted to say your cake recipe is pretty amazing. I made it this weekend and it tastes absolutely divine. The ingredients and proportions are perfect and it has turned out moist and rich, just like Xmas cake should be!
    I have packed and stored it according to the instructions. But do I need to store it in the fridge for maturing it? We live in a very hot and humid place!


    1. Thank you so much! I am so pleased it worked well for you. It really is my perfect Christmas cake, I make it every year and to read your kind words gives me enormous pleasure x


    2. Oh dear Storage question! Well, it gets very hot here in Adelaide, but it’s a dry heat…I guess, to be on the safe side, fridge storage might be best. You might like to cut while cold and let the slices come to room temperature before serving 🙂


  7. I didn’t get around to making the cake this Christmas, but I did make the spiced brandy which was used in a trifle and was delicious. I still have a jar of it that I can use throughout the year.


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My Perfect Christmas Cake Recipe (2024)


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What's the best thing to put into a Christmas cake? [Your teeth.]

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Fruit cakes usually turn darker as they are matured. So we suggest that you make the cake 6 weeks before you wish to ice it (so roughly the second week of November) and then store it and feed it with some extra alcohol.

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If they have not absorbed the alcohol from a previous feeding then you could leave them unwrapped for a couple of days in a cool place (cover loosely with a clean tea towel) and some of the excess alcohol should evaporate. Once they feel drier then you can re-wrap them and then maybe only feed them very sparingly.

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I get chopped down, decorated all over, and I have wings on top. What am I? Answer: A Christmas tree.

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A coin was hidden inside a small cake, whoever found it was crowned as mock king. Hiding small tokens in a cake is another tradition that has existed throughout the ages. The Christmas Sixpence, which is hidden inside a Christmas pudding or cake as a token of good fortune, being a recent example of this tradition.

How do you keep fruitcake moist? ›

Fruitcakes are traditionally aged in a cloth wrapping of alcohol for at least five weeks. The alcohol preserves the cakes, fruits, and nuts within, and keeps everything moist.

Why is my Christmas cake so dry? ›

If you have too much flour in a recipe and not enough fat, like butter or oil, your cake is going to be dry and hard.

Can you put too much brandy in a Christmas cake? ›

It's possible to overfeed your cake, which will make it stodgy and wet. Our advice is to feed it once after it's initially baked, then no more than four times during the maturation period. Try a teaspoonful of whichever alcohol you've chosen before you begin feeding your cake to test its strength.

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As long as you're confident it's fully cooked, I don't think you've anything to worry about, especially as you'll be adding liquid. The only danger of over-cooking at low temperatures would be drying out, and that will be remedied.

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You can repeat the feeding process every couple of weeks for three or four feeds. However, if the cake makes the work surface damp, appears wet or stodgy, discontinue feeding.

Do you leave fruit cake in tin to cool? ›

Cooling cakes

Recipes will usually give instructions for cooling but as a general rule, most sponge cakes are best left for a few minutes and then turned onto a cooling rack to avoid soggy edges. Rich fruit cakes are better cooled in the tin.

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The Christmas pudding also has its own traditions, when making it should be stirred east to west by every member of the household (a nod to the Christian faith) but woe and betide if you are an unmarried woman and you don't get to stir the pudding – you shall remain unmarried for the next twelve months (sounds like a ...

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Q: What do a Christmas tree and Santa's beard have in common? A: They both need trimming.

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When the marzipan is dry, make the royal icing. Spoon a good dollop into the piping bag and set aside. Spoon the rest onto the cake and use a palette knife to smooth it thickly all around the top and sides. Once it's evenly spread, use the palette knife to form swirls and peaks to make a snowy scene.

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What beats his chest and swings from Christmas cake to Christmas cake? Tarzipan!

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