The Essential Newborn Baby Hospital Bag Checklist (2024)

Your due date is rapidly approaching, which means your baby could arrive any day now! You’re likely excited and nervous about going into labor. You can reduce that stress by planning ahead and having your bags packed and ready no later than four weeks before your due date.

Not sure what to pack? We’ve created the essential newborn baby hospital bag checklist to help! We’ve even put together three more checklists for supplies mommies-to-be and their partners will need — a labor bag, a recovery bag, and a partner’s bag.

Before we get to those, we’ll focus on when to pack your hospital bag and the essential items you’ll want for your baby.

The Essential Newborn Baby Hospital Bag Checklist (1)

When To Pack The Hospital Bags

Whether it’s your baby’s bag, your labor bag, your recovery bag, or your partner’s bag, it’s always a good idea to have them packed well before your due date so you won’t be running around in a panic when you go into labor.

Trust us, you’ll already be anxious enough! And besides, you never know if your baby will decide to arrive early.

We recommend going through your hospital bag checklist anywhere from 35 to 38 weeks into your pregnancy.

In most cases, you’ll still have two weeks or so before the birth, and you’ll need everyday items like your toothbrush and phone charger while you’re at home. Make a list of items you can’t pack early and toss them in your bag right before you leave the house.

Your Newborn Baby Hospital Bag Checklist

Your baby doesn’t need much at first — just nutrients, warmth, and you. All they’re going to be doing is sleeping and eating. The hospital will provide plenty of blankets to keep your baby warm, but there are some other must-haves that you should pack ahead of time.

Car Seat

You and your baby won’t be able to go home until you can pass the car seat test. This test ensures that your baby is big enough and fits properly in the car seat for safety reasons.

Also, the nurses that wheel you out to your car won’t allow you to leave unless you have a properly installed car seat in the back seat. Make sure the car seat has plenty of padding and that it can be mounted facing the rear of the car.

Blankets And Swaddles

The Essential Newborn Baby Hospital Bag Checklist (2)

As mentioned, the hospital will probably have blankets available, but chances are they’re going to get dirty, and they may not be very soft. Pack some of your own to keep your baby swaddled and protected against the cold.

Blankets will also come in handy when leaving the hospital. You can cover up your little one with their blanket in the hospital and use it for the car ride home.

Bring your own swaddle blankets to the hospital since the nurses will teach you how to properly swaddle your little one. Having this guidance fresh on your mind, you’ll leave with confidence in swaddling your little one!

Clothes To Wear Home

Your baby is going to need something to wear home, so plan accordingly. When you’re packing your bag, think ahead to the month in which the baby will be born. What will the temperature be? If it’s going to be cold, don’t forget socks, mittens, and a hat. These items can even be useful in the summer to keep drafts off your baby’s sensitive skin.

This outfit is special and you’ll remember and cherish it for years. You can even save it as a keepsake. Because remember, you and your little one are going home and picture taking will be inevitable!

Hat And Socks

Bring a hat and a few pairs of socks for your new bundle of joy. It may be cold in the hospital, and you’ll want to protect their delicate new skin and keep it warm.

Burp Cloths

Burp cloths—basically just small rectangles of cloth—are invaluable, so be sure to pack at least three or four. Your baby will likely spit up frequently but burp cloths can help keep your clothes, and your baby’s clothes and blankets, nice and clean.

Nursing Pillow

If you choose to breastfeed, a nursing pillow will be a lifesaver! The nursing pillow props up your little one and supports their head, along with providing some extra support for you while nursing.

Bottles And Formula

Most hospitals will provide bottles and formula, but it’s a good idea to check and see what they use. If you plan on bottle-feeding your baby and the hospital doesn’t provide exactly what you want or need, be sure to pack several bottles and your formula of choice.

If you’re there for an extended period of time after the birth, ask the nurses to help you clean the bottles so you can use them for the next feeding.


The hospital staff will likely diaper your baby the first time, but you may need to pack your own diapers for any changes thereafter.

Trying to cut down on the items you have to include on your hospital bag checklist? Call the hospital prior to your delivery date and find out if they provide diapers for newborns. If they do, you can skip this item and save space in your bag.

Baby Wipes

Whether you include diapers on your hospital bag checklist or not, it’s always a good idea to pack baby wipes.

Baby wipes have so many uses — cleaning your baby, cleaning yourself, and removing sweat and makeup, just to name a few — you’ll be surprised at how handy they can be.

Mustela offers a variety of baby wipes for different skin types:

  • Cleansing Wipes (for normal skin)
  • Certified Organic Water Wipes with Cotton and Aloe (for sensitive skin)
  • Cleansing Wipes Delicately Fragranced (for normal skin)

Choose the one that’s best for you and your baby.

Diaper Rash Cream

Another baby essential to include on your hospital bag checklist is diaper rash cream.

Mustela’s Diaper Rash Cream 1 2 3 and Diaper Cream with Olive Oil and Aloe are perfect for your newborn’s delicate skin because they’re specially formulated to prevent diaper rash, relieve soreness, and help your little one’s skin recover.

And you can rest easy that they won’t harm your baby’s skin because they’re hypoallergenic, tested under pediatric and dermatological control, and are free of harmful chemicals such as parabens, phthalates, and phenoxyethanol.

Baby Lotion

You might not need baby lotion right away, but it’s always good to be prepared!

Eczema, dry skin, and cradle cap can develop shortly after birth, so we recommend the following products to treat these skin concerns and keep your baby comfortable and healthy:

  • Cradle Cap Cream
  • Hydra Bebe Body Lotion
  • Hydra Bebe Facial Cream
  • Stelatopia Emollient Cream
  • Stelatopia Emollient Face Cream

Leave Extra Room In Your Bag

We recommend that you leave a bit of extra room in your bag (be it the baby’s bag, your labor bag, or your recovery bag) so you can pack everything that the hospital gives you. They’ll likely provide diapers, wipes, and other complementary items, and you can take it all home with you.

Mommy-To-Be Hospital Bag Checklists

We’ve divided this list into two separate categories: things you’ll need during labor and things you’ll need in the recovery room.

The Essential Newborn Baby Hospital Bag Checklist (3)

Labor Bag

These are the bare essentials you’ll need for the big day.

Birth Plan

Include a copy or two of your birth plan on your hospital bag checklist so you can refer to it during your labor.

Packing several copies of your birth plan and distributing them to the doctors and nurses helps keep everyone who’s involved in the delivery of your baby informed and on the same page.

Hospital Paperwork

Completing a portion of the hospital paperwork before your delivery date helps streamline the admitting process and makes your labor go as smoothly as possible.

Pack your copy of any completed hospital paperwork at the top of your bag so you can reach it easily if the nurses need it.

Photo ID

Be sure to add a photo ID at the top of your hospital bag checklist. You’ll need it to verify your identity when you check in.

Common forms of ID include:

  • Driver's license
  • Federal or state ID card
  • Military ID card
  • Passport

If you don’t have a photo ID, talk to the hospital admittance staff before your due date to make other arrangements.

Insurance Information

A final piece of paperwork you’ll need when arriving at the hospital is your insurance information.

If you complete your admittance forms prior to your due date, the hospital may have this information on file, but it’s better to be prepared just in case.

Extra Masks

Packing your own masks provides peace of mind during the pandemic and during especially difficult flu seasons.

Be sure to include at least two masks — maybe even three or four — so you have backups if one gets dirty. And be sure to talk to your doctor or doula about wearing a mask during delivery to prevent the spread of any illnesses.

Something To Wear During Labor

Make sure to pack a comfortable outfit to wear in the delivery room. This may be something as simple as a large t-shirt or hospital gown, or something as specialized as a birthing gown or birthing skirt.

If you’ll be in a birthing pool, throw in a dark-colored sports bra and include one or two towels for drying off after. Your hospital or birthing location will probably have their own towels, but you just never know.

It’s better to have and not need than to need and not have.

Something To Help You Relax And Pass The Time

Sometimes labor can start and then take hours to progress. Pack something to divert your attention and keep you occupied. We suggest some relaxing music, a good book, or your favorite magazines.

Stress Balls

The Essential Newborn Baby Hospital Bag Checklist (4)

Speaking of relaxing, what do you do to relax when you’re stressed or in pain? It’s natural to clench your hands into a fist or grab someone else’s hand to help relieve your pain, especially during labor. Stress balls are a neutral object for you to squeeze when you need to ease the stress of labor.

Your Cell Phone And Charger

Notice we said “and charger.” We’re sure you’re going to want to send pictures of you and your new little one to your family and friends. Be prepared by keeping your phone fully charged during labor.


If you wear contacts, you’ll eventually want to take them out, so bring along a pair of eyeglasses to wear instead.

Skin Cream And Lip Balm

Hospitals can have very dry air. This can dehydrate your skin quickly and leave it dry and itchy. Be sure to pack hydrating products like Mustela’s Ultimate Hydration Bundle, which includes both a daytime and a nighttime skin care regime.

You’re also going to be doing a lot of heavy breathing during labor. This often causes chapped and dry lips. You can easily prevent this discomfort by adding a small lip balm to your bag.

Snacks And Water

We recommend easy-to-digest foods like fruits or crackers to help keep your energy levels up during the hours before delivery. Make sure this is okay with the hospital first because they may already have these things available for you.

Headband Or Ponytail Holder

You’d be surprised how annoying long hair can be when you’re in the throes of labor! Avoid being bothered by pulling your hair back with a headband or ponytail holder.


The hospital will probably have two thin pillows you can use during labor, but that might not be enough to keep you comfortable. We suggest packing a few extras just in case. If you do bring an extra pillow or two, cover it with a pillowcase that is a color other than white. That way the hospital won’t confuse your pillow for theirs.


You may feel the need to walk around during your labor, however, hospital floors are notoriously cold. Bring a pair of slippers just in case. Non-skid socks will also do the trick if that’s what you prefer.


Though you might not want to take pictures of the birth itself, you’ll definitely want pictures of your sweet baby afterward!

A camera or smartphone is a necessity for this situation. And don’t forget a charger so your camera or phone will always be ready to capture those priceless moments with your newborn.

Recovery Bag

Pack this bag with the things you’ll need for your stay in the hospital after your baby is born. It also includes things you’ll need for the trip home.

The Essential Newborn Baby Hospital Bag Checklist (5)

Clothes To Wear Home

Pack some soft maternity clothes to wear home when you leave the hospital. Remember, you just gave birth. So loose, comfortable clothes are your best option.

Nursing Gown And Bra

If you choose to breastfeed your little one, having a nursing gown and bra will ease your nursing experience. And you can enjoy easy accessibility while nursing with these essentials.

Toiletries And Cosmetics

Pack the toiletries you use every day so you have what you need during your hospital stay. Be sure to include items like your toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, deodorant, hairbrush, and moisturizing skin lotion.

Don’t forget to also bring a towel and flip flops for the shower. The hospital may provide a towel for you, but some women prefer to use their own.

You may also want to consider bringing some makeup for pictures. Of course, we know makeup is not a top priority, but if you decide to use a little foundation, bronzer, or mascara, you’ll be happy to have your cosmetics on hand.

Expert tip: remember to pack your Mustela Cleansing Wipes. These are small, convenient, and great for removing makeup or cleansing your skin while you’re in the hospital.

Postpartum Cream

Continue using your Stretch Marks Serum after giving birth. This serum helps reduce the appearance of recent stretch marks. We suggest massaging the serum onto problem areas every evening and every morning for two months.

Note: Mustela’s Stretch Marks Recovery Serum is safe to use while breastfeeding, but do not apply it to C-section scars.

Extra Underwear

The hospital will provide you with mesh underwear, but you’ll need plenty of fresh underwear, so be sure to bring at least two extra pairs. Search for postpartum underwear before packing your hospital bag to see what best suits your needs.


For extra comfort during your post-labor walking breaks, bring along your coziest bathrobe. You’re going to want to get up and move around at some point after your labor, and a bathrobe makes that super simple.

Glasses, Contacts, And Lens Solution

In your rush to get to the hospital during labor, it’s easy to forget your glasses, contacts, or lens solution. Pack extras of each in your hospital bag so you can see your newborn in all his or her glory.

Maxi Pads

Maxi pads are an immense help in keeping you clean and comfortable after the birth of your baby.

The hospital usually provides these, but you might be more comfortable with a different brand, shape, or size.

Prescription Medications

Don’t forget to pack any prescription medications you may need for a one or two day stay in the hospital.

Sleep Mask

Trying to sleep in a hospital can be difficult. There’s always some light that can prevent you from falling asleep and staying that way.

Include a sleep mask on your hospital bag checklist so you get the sleep you need to recover from the birth of your little one.


You may also want to pack earplugs to filter out the noise from the monitors, nurses coming and going, and activity in the next room.

And don’t worry about being awake and available for feedings. If your baby needs you, the nurses will wake you up.

Partner Hospital Bag Checklist

Encourage your partner to pack their own bag of essentials for the birth.

While they won’t need quite as much as you and the baby, having their own gear on hand can make the time at the hospital much easier.

At a minimum, we suggest they pack:

  • Change of clothes (you never know when they might spill their coffee)
  • Cell phone charger (they’ll probably have their cell phone on them, but they’ll need the charger if labor goes long)
  • Entertainment (laptop, tablet, book, magazines, etc.)
  • Snacks and water

If your partner plans on staying with you after the birth, they’ll need to include a pillow, blanket, eye mask, earplugs, and toiletries in their kit.

Sometimes, though, if you live close to the hospital, the nurses will encourage your partner to go home and get a good night’s sleep so they can come back fresh in the morning. This is especially common if you plan on breastfeeding your little one.

The nurses will be there to help you, so your partner may have nothing to do. They’re better off recuperating at home so they can support you the next day when you need it the most.

Talk to your doctor and the hospital about what they recommend and then your partner can pack their bag accordingly.

Choose Your Items Wisely

The Essential Newborn Baby Hospital Bag Checklist (6)

When packing your bags, keep in mind that, barring a long labor, you may only be in the hospital for one or two nights. Though that may seem like a long time, you’re going to be busy recovering from delivery and feeding and changing your baby.

Neither you nor your baby has any use for the five designer outfits or the box of stuffed animals that your family already bought. Stick to the essentials and you and your baby will have a happy delivery and a smooth trip home.

The Essential Newborn Baby Hospital Bag Checklist (2024)


What should I put in my hospital bag when having a baby? ›

Hospital bag checklist for mom
  1. Drivers' license or other identification card.
  2. Insurance card and any hospital paperwork.
  3. Your birth plan, if you have one (bring multiple copies to give to your practitioner and various nurses)
  4. Your phone and an extra-long charger.
  5. Comfortable, loose clothing for you to wear home.
Oct 25, 2023

When should I pack my hospital bag for first baby? ›

Your baby might arrive earlier than expected, so it's worth having your hospital bag (or bags, if you'd like one for labor and delivery and one for after delivery) and your baby's hospital bag organized and packed during month eight of your pregnancy—just in case.

How many newborn outfits to pack in hospital bag? ›

Pack two different outfits in different sizes because you don't know how big or small your baby will be! Aim for one outfit in newborn size and one 0-3 months. Don't forget hats and/or socks, if weather-appropriate, to keep baby warm. Your pediatrician's contact information.

What are the essential newborn care equipment? ›

  • Blood pressure machine and stethoscope.
  • Body thermometer.
  • Fetal stethoscope.
  • Baby scale.
  • Self inflating bag and mask - neonatal size.
  • Suction apparatus with suction tube.
  • Infant stethoscope.

Should you bring a pacifier to the hospital? ›

And, bonus: You won't have to remember when to take your medications because they'll be brought to you! Diapers, diaper wipes, bottles, nipples and (if you decide to use them) pacifiers. Everything your baby will need during their hospital stay is provided. You only need to pack for the trip home.

What to wear while giving birth? ›

2 nightdresses or pyjamas. comfortable day clothes which are loose-fitting (front-opening clothes are easy for breastfeeding) underwear, including large, close-fitting pants to hold maternity pads – you may find disposable pants useful for the first few days.

Do you wear a bra during labor? ›

However, we recommend wearing a simple bra that is comfortable and easy to remove.

What do babies wear right after birth? ›

Most hospitals prefer to dress babies simply, either in just a diaper and swaddled in a flannel blanket, or in a side-snap bodysuit or basic gown (all of these items will be provided for you).

When should I start buying stuff for my hospital bag? ›

Get a few things ready at least 3 weeks before your due date. For yourself, you'll probably want to pack: your birth plan and hospital notes.

What do babies wear under a swaddle in the hospital? ›

A lightweight onesie should do the trick when it comes to what baby should wear underneath a swaddle or sleep sack in warmer weather. In the winter months, a long sleeve onesie may be preferred.

What are the best snacks for hospital bags? ›

Snacks like oat bars, energy balls, protein pancakes, egg muffins, protein bars, and granola are ideal to prep in advance, freeze, and have on hand for the hospital and your early postpartum months.

How many PJS do I need for a hospital bag? ›

3 or 4 night dresses or pyjamas (button front or easy access for breastfeeding).  2 supportive bras (a nursing bra if you are breastfeeding).  1 dressing gown.  Cotton loose fitting underwear.

What are the 4 essentials of newborn care? ›

One such indicator for newborn health is "the proportion of newborns who received all four elements of essential care". The four elements are immediate and thorough drying, skin to skin contact, delayed cord clamping, and early initiation of breastfeeding.

What is the priority care of a newborn immediately after birth? ›

Immediate care at birth (delayed cord clamping, thorough drying, assessment of breathing, skin-to-skin contact, early initiation of breastfeeding) Thermal care. Resuscitation when needed. Support for breast milk feeding.

What does a newborn need the most? ›

Nursery Checklist
  • Crib. When it comes to newborn baby necessities, the crib tops our checklist. ...
  • Crib mattress. One of the most important newborn baby essentials is a firm mattress that fits the crib you've bought perfectly. ...
  • Bassinet. ...
  • Nursery glider or rocking chair. ...
  • Pacifiers.

Do I need to bring burp cloths to the hospital? ›

Burp cloths - Your newborn will have lots of feedings as you get used to a new routine, which means you'll be burping your baby a lot – bring burp cloths to clean up after your little one. Swaddle and blanket - No matter the weather, swaddling your newborn is always a good idea.

What postpartum items do I need? ›

Postpartum Essentials For Mom
  • 1) Pads. This is a part of postpartum that no one likes to talk about, but it's super important! ...
  • 2) Witch Hazel Pads. ...
  • 3) Peri Bottle. ...
  • 4) Sitz Bath. ...
  • 5) Heating Pad Or Ice Packs. ...
  • 6) Pain-Relieving Spray. ...
  • 7) Nursing Pads. ...
  • 8) Breast Pump And Breast Milk Storage Bags.

What should I pack in my emergency baby bag? ›

However, packing a smart diaper bag can ease a lot of mom-guilt. Our emergency diaper bag checklist for 2022 includes all the usual suspects like diapers, bottles, and clothes. But it also includes less common items like a bottle of water, first aid kit, and sanitizer.

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